Department of Public Works
Service List
Yard Waste Pick-up
Yard waste is picked up 2-3 times per week depending on the weather and demand. Paper yard waste bags are available at no charge from the Village office. Bags are to weigh no more than 30lbs. Material in plastic bags will not be collected. Brush should be cut to lengths of 6’ or less and bundled. No animal waste or trash is to be included in these bags.
Fall Leaf Pick-up
Beginning with the start of appreciable leaf drop in late October, our leaf vacuum will be brought out to collect piles on the lawn area between the sidewalk & the curb until mid-November. After that, please resume bagging your leaves. Please place the leaves as close to the curb as you can without placing the leaves directly in the gutter. Leaves & debris could wash down the street into our storm water catch basins and cause blockages. Try not to place the piles near trees, mailboxes, utility posts or parked vehicles. The vacuum is designed to collect leaves only. Please separate out any brush, rocks, nuts, debris, etc. from your leaf pile to avoid damage to our machine. Try raking the leaves onto a tarp to drag them to the curb!
Snow Plowing
The Village is fortunate to have our streets cleared by our own plow. Streets are cleared first, followed by cul-de-sacs and finally by pushing back and/or removing snow piles when they get out of hand.
Sidewalk Maintenance:
Please clear snow daily from all sidewalks. (Within 24 hours when there is 2 or more inches of snow. (Per Village Ordinance Code Section 8.9 Snow Removal O18-16) Taking care not to direct snow at or into any public street. Vacant lots are not excluded from this requirement. For those of you who head south for the winter, please make arrangements to have the sidewalks in front of your entire property cleared regularly. Please be considerate of the people who walk on the sidewalks.
Odd Even Parking:
November 1 – April 15 between the hours of midnight and 6 AM. Motor Vehicles can be parked only on the even numbered side of the street on even numbered days; and motor vehicles can be parked only on the odd numbered side of the street on odd numbered days. Cul-du-sac’s pose a plowing challenge. Please help to keep the streets clear of vehicles. Vehicles not adhearing to this policy will be ticketed. Main Street from Church to Mill is no parking at any time between 3AM & 6AM year around.
Snow from your driveway:
Private snow contractors must clear all snow from the public roadways after plowing out private driveways. Residents or contractors can be fined for leaving piles in the street. These piles can cause a real hazard to motor vehicles if they are large or become frozen. Residents are prohibited from blowing or shoveling snow into the streets.
Thinking Ahead – Sprinkler Head Locations:
Lots in Glen Valley do not have curbing which makes it difficult to determine the exact edge of the roadway while plowing. With this in mind, it is recommended that sprinkler heads be installed at the edge of the sidewalk facing toward the street as opposed to on the edge of the street facing the sidewalk. Pedestrians will appreciate this in the warmer, walking seasons. If you already have heads on the street side, you should stake them yourself to reduce the odds of having your sprinkler heads damaged or destroyed by the snowplow or parked cars..
Stakes are placed in strategic places throughout the Village to assist our snowplow driver in locating corners and road edges. It is the responsibility of the property owner to keep the stakes in place or notify us of the disappearance of those stakes.
Mail Box Post Stability:
Please check your mailbox post for stability before the winter season comes. Mailboxes and / or supports that are damaged as a result of snow or debris being scraped or plowed into the mailbox / support are not subject to replacement by the Village.