Building Permit & Utility
Building Permits
* First & foremost – No work shall start without a permit.
The following are the most commonly overlooked building projects that require Building permits:
1. Porches & Decks
2. Swimming Pools – All in ground, any above ground, prefabricated (including inflatables) more than 24” deep
3. New doors or windows – call for determination
4. Finished basements
Projects requiring Mechanical permits:
1. Replacement furnaces
2. Gas log fireplaces
3. Hot water heaters
4. Air conditioning
Plumbing permits are required for:
1. Change of location of fixtures such as tubs or sinks
2. Hot water heaters
Projects requiring Electrical permits include:
1. Service upgrades
2. Wiring for garages and accessory buildings
3. Swimming pools with electrical hookups required for lights or equipment
4. In ground swimming pools for bonding requirements
These requirements are for all of the properties in the Village of Caledonia. Therefore, all requirements must be met if the property owners or contractors do the work.
Glen Valley & Martin’s Addition (Vine St.) have deed restrictions and/or architectural controls that must be considered. (Please note however, that private deed restrictions and architectural control compliance is not enforced by the Village.) See below for those documents.
This list is for the most commonly overlooked projects that require a permit. This is by no means all inclusive. If you have questions about whether or not a project will require a permit, please email or call Imperial Municipal Services at 1-800-442-2794 or (616) 863-9294 and ask to speak to an inspector in that field. IMS is contracted by the Village to administer permitting and zoning interpretation.
Glen Valley Building & Use Restrictions
Glen Valley Residents – Refer to the Building and Use Restrictions for your phase:
Exterior modifications, landscaping, fences, sheds, etc., must be approved by the Glen Valley Architectural Control Committee BEFORE obtaining a building or zoning permit through Imperial Municipal Services. Permits will not be issued without their approval.
Effective January 1, 2017 Glen Valley Property Owner’s Association is managed by BVW Property Management. (Formerly Esstee) Annual dues information & Architectural Control Committee information is available through them.
BVW Property Management – 332 E. Lakewood Blvd – Suite 400, Holland, MI 49424 OR PO Box 2397, Holland, MI 49422 Tel: 616-392-6480 Fax: 616-426-6172 Email: Web:
Business & Estates As-Builts
Drain Restrictive Covenants
Drain Restrictive Covenants
Planning & Zoning

For more information or to place a dig notice, contact us by calling 811 or by going to our website:
Follow MISS DIG 811 on Social Media:
Doing Any DIY Projects?
- Fences
- Mailbox Posts
- Room Additions
- Gardens
- Swimming Pools
- Landscaping
- Decks & Patios
- Trees of Shrubs
- Swing Sets
- Signs
- Fountains
- Tents
Know What’s Below Before You Dig!
Even Hand digging can cause damage. Over 25% of damage is from homeowners.
It’s the LAW! It’s fast and it’s FREE!!!
Become part of the solution!
- Protect Yourself
- Protect Your Family
- Protect Your Community
What do you mean FREE?
When you contact MISS DIG 811, the public facility companies are notified to mark the location of their underground lines.
Public facilities are marked for FREE by facility company representatives known as Locators. The Locators paint lines and/or place flags to mark the approximate location of underground public lines.
- Visit
- In the e-Locate box click Start.
- Complete the e-Locate Request.
- Check your status before you dig
- Enter your ticket #. Click Inquire.
Those painted lines usually run from the main facility to the meter on your house.
Not everything gets marked when you call. Private facility lines are NOT marked.
The unmarked private lines usually run from the house to any other building or object with service in your yard, like a garage or lamp post. A private locator may be hired to mark them.
And often, water and sewer lines are only marked in the right-of-way not all the way to the meter on the house.
It’s the LAW?
Yes, a bill was signed by Gov. Rick Snyder and has been in effect since April 1, 2014. Be smart and contact MISS DIG 811 before you dig.
Why so many flags? What do they mean? Can I remove them?
Do NOT remove the flags until the work is completed or after 21 days.
Color Key:
- White – Area of Proposed Excavation
- Pink – Temporary Survey Markings
- Red – Electric
- Yellow – Gas, Oil, Steam, Propane
- Orange – Phone and Cable
- Blue – Water
- Purple – Reclaimed water, irrigation
- Green – Sewer
- Gray – Used to Erase Marks
5 Steps to Safe Digging
- Call MISS DIG 811 at 811 or go online to
- Wait for utilities to be marked
- Check status @
- Respect the marks
- Dig with care!